Suffolk Foster Carers Association

Run by Suffolk Foster Carers for Suffolk Foster Carers

What We Do

SFCA are here to offer support to all Suffolk County Council Carers. The Committee is made up of foster carers who all volunteer to run SFCA. You are automatically a member of SFCA.

SFCA are here to support you and promote the amazing job we do as foster carers! We are here to listen to you and act as your voice.

We look forward to working with you to help you advocate effectively for your foster children and support you with any fostering problems you are encountering.

We work with Suffolk County Council to help find solutions to issues you tell us are important to you.
Recently that has included:

  • Retention of carers
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Cost of living and fees
  • Complex Needs support
  • Education, including PPG/PEPs
  • Training Needs
  • LADOs


The Committee welcome you to contact any one of us, to attend a committee meeting or submit an item for the agenda. Contact details for individual committee members are on the SFCA website.